Question and answers
Que.No | Marks | |
Q 5 c ) |
8 |
Question:Draw psychrometric chart with all the property lines and represent following psychrometric processes : i) Sensible heating ii) Sensible cooling with dehumidification iii) Humidification iv) Dehumidification.Answer: Psychometric chart representing various psychometric processes: i) Sensible Heating
ii) Sensible Cooling with dehumidification |
Que.No | Marks | |
Q 1a)(d) |
4 |
Question:Define : i) Tonnage of refrigeration ii) Coefficient of performance.Answer: i) Tonnage of Refrigeration – is defined as the amount of refrigeration effect produced by uniform melting of one ton (1000Kg) of ice from and at 00 in 24 hours. . ii) Coefficient of performance- is the ratio of heat extracted in refrigerator to work done on the refrigerant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 2 b ) |
8 |
Question:Explain vapour compression refrigeration cycle on T-S and p-h charts (for superheated vapourat the end of compression)Answer: Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle The P-H and T-S diagram for the simple vapor compression refrigeration cycle is shown in the figure for vapour entering the compressor is in dry saturation condition The dry and saturated vapour entering the compressor at point 1 that vapour compresses isentropic ally from point 1 to 2 which increases the pressure from evaporator pressure to condenser pressure At point 2 the saturated vapour enters the condenser where heat is rejected at constant pressure, due to rejection of heat decreases the temperature and change of phase takes place i.e. latent heat is removed and reaches to liquid saturation temperature at point 3 then this liquid refrigerant passed through expansion valve where liquid refrigerant is throttle keeping the enthalpy constant and reducing the pressure. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 3 e ) |
4 |
Question:Explain the working of Watt governor with neat diagram.Answer: |
Q 3 e ) |
4 |
Question:Explain the effect of superheating and subcooling on the performance of vapour compression cycleAnswer: Effect of superheating: As shown in the figure a & b the effect of superheating is to increase the refrigerating effect, but this increase in the refrigerating effect is at the cost of increase in amount of work spent to attain upper pressure limit. Since the increase in work is more as compared to increase in refrigerating effect, therefore overall effect of superheating is to give a low value of C.O.P. ii) Effect of sub-cooling: sub-cooling is the process of cooling the liquid refrigerant below the condensing temperature for a given pressure. In figure the process of sub-cooling is shown by 2’-3’. As is evident from the figure the effect of sub-cooling is to increase the refrigerating effect. Thus sub-cooling results in increase of C.O.P provided that no further energy has to be spent to obtain the extra cold coolant required. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 4a)(c) |
4 |
Question:Explain with sketch, a pneumatic circuit for speed control of bidirectional motor.Answer: Varying the rate of flow of oil will vary the speed of the actuator. Speed control is possible using meter in circuit, meter out circuit, bleed off circuit or by placing flow control before the DCV. Speed control of bi-directional air motor: Bi-directional air motor rotates in clockwise as well as anti-clockwise direction. The speed of bi-directional motor is controlled as shown in fig. The speed control of motor by using variable two flow control valves having built-in check valve and 4x3 DC valve having zero position or central hold position with Pilot S1 and S2. ( Lever / Push button / Solenoid may be used ) When Pilot S2 is operated, port P will be connected to port A of air motor and motor will start rotating in clockwise direction. Its speed can be controlled by using variable flow control valve F1. Port B of motor will be connected to exhaust R and air in motor will be exhausted through port R via DC valve. When Pilot S1 is operated, pressure port P will be connected to port B of motor and naturally motor will start rotating in anticlockwise direction. Port A will be connected to port R and air in the motor will be exhausted through port R via DC valve. |
Q 4a)(d) |
4 |
Question:Name the refrigerants used for : i) Water cooler ii) Domestic refrigerator iii) Ice plant iv) Cold storage.Answer: |
Q 4a)(ii) |
4 |
Question:Define following terms with respect to springs : 1) Free length 2) Solid height 3) Spring rate 4) Spring indexAnswer: Definition of 1) Free length-it is a length of spring in unloaded condition 2) Solid height-it is a length of spring in fully loaded condition 3) Spring rate-load per unit deflection 4) Spring index- ratio of mean diameter of coil to diameter of wire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 4 d ) |
4 |
Question:Explain the working of flywheel with the help of turning moment diagram.Answer: Working of Flywheel with the help of Turning moment diagram: A flywheel used in machines serves as a reservoir, which stores energy during the period when the supply of energy is more than the requirement, and releases it during the period when the requirement of energy is more than the supply. The fluctuation of energy may be determined by the turning moment diagram for one complete cycle of operation. Consider the turning moment diagram for a single cylinder double acting steam engine as shown in Fig. We see that the mean resisting torque line AF cuts the turning moment diagram at points B, C, D and E. When the crank moves from a to p, the work done by the engine is equal to the area aBp, whereas the energy required is represented by the area aABp. In other words, the engine has done less work (equal to the area a AB) than the requirement. This amount of energy is taken from the flywheel and hence the speed of the flywheel decreases. Now the crank moves from p to q, the work done by the engine is equal to the area pBbCq, whereas the requirement of energy is represented by the area pBCq. Therefore, the engine has done more work than the requirement. This excess work (equal to the area BbC) is stored in the flywheel and hence the speed of the flywheel increases while the crank moves from p to q. Similarly, when the crank moves from q to r, more work is taken from the engine than is developed. This loss of work is represented by the area C c D. To supply this loss, the flywheel gives up some of its energy and thus the speed decreases while the crank moves from q to r. As the crank moves from r to s, excess energy is again developed given by the area D d E and the speed again increases. As the piston moves from s to e, again there is a loss of work and the speed decreases. The variations of energy above and below the mean resisting torque line are called fluctuations of energy. The areas BbC, CcD, DdE, etc. represent fluctuations of energy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 5 a ) |
8 |
Question:List the factors to be considered for selecting the pipe while designing the pneumatic system. Give specification of pipes for the pneumatic system.Answer: List the Factors to be considered for selecting the pipe while designing pneumatic system. Give specification of pipes for the pneumatic system. Factors to be considered while selecting the pipe for pneumatic system 1. Pressure of compressed air in the line. 2. Total flow rate per unit time through the line. 3. Permissible pressure drop in the line. 4. Type of tube material and type of line fittings. 5. Length and diameter of tube or other pipelines. 6. Working environment. Pipe Size Specifications: Generally pipe size is specified in three ways 1. Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) : This number indicates the base diameter of pipe in inches. e.g. : ½ inch, ¾ inch, 1 inch, 1 ½ inch etc. 2. Schedule Number (SCH): This number is based on wall thickness, greater the SCH, greater will be the wall thickness of pipe. A schedule number indicates the approximate value of SCH = 1000 * P / S where P – service pressure & S – Allowable stress SCH Number 40, 80 and 160 are widely used. 3. Pipes are also classified as Standard (STD), Extra strong (XS) size, Double Extra strong (XXS) size based on strength ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 5 b ) |
8 |
Question:Draw and explain pneumatic meter in circuit to control of speed extension.Answer: .Draw and Explain pneumatic meter in circuit to control of speed extension. In meter in pneumatic circuit flow control valve with check valve is fitted between DCV and actuator. For speed control of actuator during extension stroke, FCV with check valve is fitted on piston side of the actuator as shown in figure. With a meter-in circuit, fluid enters into the actuator at a controlled rate. Pneumatic circuit diagram for meter-in flow-control circuit is as shown in figure. In this circuits, the rate of flow of compressed air into the cylinder is controlled by flow control
valve. FCV is placed at inlet of the cylinder. Cap end port “C” is inlet for extension and rod end port “R” is inlet for retraction. Working: In first position of 4/2 DCV, compressed air flows from P to A and B to T. this flow is through flow control valve, the flow is controlled and hence piston extends slowly. In second position 4/2 DCV, compressed air flows P to B and A to T. this flow is through check valve. This is free flow. Hence the piston retracts at higher speed, Which is not controlled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 5b)(i) |
8 |
Question:(i) The extension springs are in considerably less use than compression springs. Why?Answer: (i) it is easier to overextend the extension spring. Compression springs will bottom out before the overextend. Also it seems like the tensile strength will be weaker at the attachment point for the extension spring, making it generally larger and more cumbersome to correct the deficiency ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 5 c ) |
8 |
Question:Explain with neat sketch (position based) working of sequencing circuit for two double acting Air cylinders.Answer: Explain with neat sketch (position based ) working of sequencing circuit for two double acting Air cylinders. Pneumatic double acting cylinders can be operated sequentially using a sequence valve or by using position based method. In pneumatics, use of sequence valve is not popular. Position based sequencing is possible using roller operated DCV or solenoid operated DCV. Various components required for Position based sequencing using roller operated DCV are as follows. I. Double acting cylinder - 02 Nos. II. 3/2 roller operated DCV – 02 Nos. III. 4/2 or 5/2 DCV – 01 No. IV. FRL Unit, Compressed air supply, hose pipes etc. Components are connected as shown in figure.
Working: In the first position of lever of 4/2 DCV (5/2 DCV can be used), the DAC extends. By the end of extension of first DAC, the cam presses roller of valve LV1 hence compressed air flows to second DAC, and second DAC extends. When the lever of 4/2 DCV is shifted to second position, DAC retracts. By the end of retraction of first DAC, the cam presses roller valve LV2, hence compresses air flows to second DAC and second DAC retracts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 a ) |
4 |
Question:Draw speed control of single acting cylinder pneumatic circuit using 3 × 2 DC valveAnswer: |
Q 6 b ) |
4 |
Question:A helical valve spring is to be designed for an operating load range of approximately 135 N. The deflection of the spring for the load range is 7.5 mm. Assume spring index of 10. Permissible shear stress for the material of the spring = 480 MPa and its modulus of rigidity = 80 KN/mm2. Design the spring. Take Wahle’s factor 4 4 4 1 . , C C C 0 615 = - - + ‘C’ being the spring indexAnswer: given load W= 135N Deflection ᵟ =7.5mm Spring index c=10 Permissible shear stress Ʈ=480 MPa Modulus of rigidity G =80 KN/mm2 Wahl’s factor K =4C-1/4C-4 +0.615/C=4X10-1/4X10-4 +0.615/10=1.14 (1)Mean dia. Of the spring coil (1 mark) Maximum shear stress, Ʈ = Kx 8WC/π d 2 480 = 1.14x 8x135x10/3.142xd2 d = 2.857mm from table we shall take a standard wire of size SWG 3 having diameters (d) =2.946mm mean dia. Of the spring coil D= CXd =10x2.946=29.46 mm outer dia. Of the spring coil Do =D+d=29.46+2.946=32.406mm (2) number of turns of the spring coil (n) (1 mark) Deflection ᵟ= 8WC3 n/Gd 7.5 =8x135X103x n/ 80000xd n =1.64 say 2 For square and ground end n’ =n+2=2+2=4 (3) free length of spring (1 mark) =Lf =n’d+ ᵟ + 0.15 x ᵟ=4x2.496+7.5+0.15xx7.5=18.609mm (4) pitch of the coil (1 mark) p= free length/n’-1=18.609/4-1=6.203mm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 b ) |
4 |
Question:Define following terms : Fluctuation of energy, co-efficient of fluctuation of energy, co-efficient of fluctuation speed, maximum fluctuation of energy.Answer: Fluctuations of energy: The variations of energy above and below the mean resisting torque line are called fluctuations of energy. Coefficient of fluctuation of energy: It may be defined as the ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the work done per cycle. Mathematically, Coefficient of fluctuation of energy, E = Maximum fluctuation of energy/Work done per cycle Coefficient of fluctuation of speed: The difference between the maximum and minimum speeds during a cycle is called the maximum fluctuation of speed. The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is called the coefficient of fluctuation of speed. Maximum fluctuation of energy: Δ E = Maximum energy – Minimum energy = (E + a1) – (E + a1 – a2 + a3 – a4) = a2 – a3 + a4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 d ) |
4 |
Question:Define : i) WBT ii) DPT iii) DBT iv) Degree of saturation.Answer: i) WBT: Wet bulb Temperature twb : It is the temperature recorded by a thermometer when its bulb is covered by a wet cloth exposed to the air. ii) DPT: Dew point temperature tdp :It is the temperature of air recorded by thermometer, when the moisture (water vapour) present in its, begins to condensed. iii) DBT: Dry Bulb Temperature tdb : It is the temperature of air recorded by ordinary thermometer with a clean, dry sensing element . iv) Degree of Saturation (μ):Degree of saturation is defined as ‘the ratio of mass of water vapour associated with unit mass of dry air to mass of water vapour associated with saturated unit mass of dry air at same temperature. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 e ) |
4 |
Question:Explain the working of simple vapour absorption refrigeration system. Or Explain with neat sketch vapour absorption refrigeration system.Answer: Vapour absorption refrigeration systemvapour absorption refrigeration system is an energy efficient system of achieving refrigeration effect. Vapor absorption refrigeration system is schematically demonstrated in following diagram. Vapour absorption refrigeration system working:Vapor absorption refrigeration system consists of evaporator, absorber, generator, condenser, expansion valve, pump & reducing valve. In this system ammonia is used as refrigerant and solution is used is aqua ammonia. Strong solution of aqua ammonia contains as much as ammonia as it can and weak solution contains less ammonia. The compressor of vapor compressor system is replaced by an absorber, generator, reducing valve and pump. The heat flow in the system at generator, and work is supplied to pump. Ammonia vapors coming out of evaporator are drawn in absorber. The weak solution containing very little ammonia is spread in absorber. The weak solution absorbs ammonia and gets converted into strong solution. This strong solution from absorber is pumped into generator. The addition of heat liberates ammonia vapor and solution gets converted into weak solution. The released vapor is passed to condenser and weak solution to absorber through a reducing valve. Thus, the function of a compressor is done by absorber, a generator, pump and reducing valve. The simple vapor compressor system is used where there is scarcity of Electricity and it is very useful at partial and full load. ============================Answer Ends Here========================= For further understanding of the Vapor absorption refrigeration system use following material. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Que.No | Marks | |
Q 1a)(e) |
2 |
Question:State the function of flywheel in I.C. Engine.Answer: A flywheel used in machines serves as a reservoir, which stores energy during the period when the supply of energy is more than the requirement, and releases it during the period when the requirement of energy is more than the supply. In other words, a flywheel controls the speed variations caused by the fluctuation of the engine turning moment during each cycle of operation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 1a)(f) |
2 |
Question:State the function of governor.Answer: The function of a governor is to regulate the mean speed of an engine, when there are variations in the load e.g. when the load on an engine increases, its speed decreases, therefore it becomes necessary to increase the supply of working fluid. On the other hand, when the load on the engine decreases, its speed increases and thus less working fluid is required. The governor automatically controls the supply of working fluid to the engine with the varying load conditions and keeps the mean speed within certain limits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 4a)(c) |
4 |
Question:Draw a neat block diagram of vapour compression cycle. Show the direction of flow ofrefrigerant.Answer: Block diagram of Vapour Compression cycle :-
Q 4 b ) |
8 |
Question:A helical compeersion imperssion speraingAnswer: |
Q 5 b ) |
8 |
Question:Develop a pneumatic circuit for operation of two DA cylinders such that one operates after other using travel dependant sequencing.Answer: Answer: a pneumatic circuit for operation of two DA cylinders such that one operates after other using travel dependant sequencing as shown in fig. |
Q 5 c ) |
8 |
Question:Explain pneumatic impulse circuit with neat sketch.Answer: Figure 1 shows a symbol circuit of an impulse-valve controlled double acting pneumatic cylinder (A). The position of the impulse-valve (3), which is controlled by the start/stop-valve (1) and the end position valve (2), determines if the cylinder piston shall make a positive stroke and negative stroke. Positive piston stroke is initiated by manual activation of the start valve (1). Negative piston stroking takes place when valve (2) is activated by the cylinder rod at the position a1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 a ) |
4 |
Question:Explain the following terms :- i) Daltons law of partial pressures ii) Relative humidityAnswer: |
Q 6a)(ii) |
8 |
Question:Draw turning moment diagram for single cylinder four stroke I.C. Engine.Answer: ii) Turning Moment Diagram:
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Q 6 b ) |
4 |
Question:Sketch a psychrometric chart and show the following properties of air on it. i) DBT lines ii) WBT lines iii) Specific volume lines iv) Relative humidity linesAnswer: |
Q 6 c ) |
4 |
Question:Draw only a neat labelled sketch of window air-conditioner.Answer: Sketch of window air conditioner |
Q 6c)(i) |
4 |
Question:State any four area of Application of spring:Answer: 1) To cushion, absorb or control energy to external load : Car springs, Railway buffers 2) To store Energy : Watches Toys 3) To Measure forces : Spring Balances, Gauges ,Engines 4) To provide clamping force in Jigs & fixtures. 5) To apply forces as in brakes, clutches & spring loaded valve. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 e ) |
4 |
Question:Explain pneumatic circuit for speed control of single acting cylinder with neat sketch.Answer:
Pneumatic cylinders can be directly controlled by actuation of final directional control valve as shown in fig. These valves can be controlled manually or electrically. This circuit can be used for small cylinders as well as cylinders which operates at low speeds where the flow rate requirements are less. When the directional control valve is actuated by push button, the valve switches over to the open position, communicating working source to the cylinder volume. This results in the forward motion of the piston. When the push button is released, the reset spring of the valve restores the valve to the initial position [closed]. The cylinder space is connected to exhaust port there by piston retracts either due to spring or supply pressure applied from the other port. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Que.No | Marks | |
Q 1a)(iv) |
2 |
Question:Define: (i) Coefficient of fluctuation of speed. (ii) Coefficient of fluctuation of energy.Answer: (i) Coefficient of fluctuation of speed: Coefficient of fluctuation of speed is defined as the ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed. It is denoted by C s. N 2 =minimum speed in rpm; N = mean speed in rpm
(ii) Coefficient of fluctuation of energy: Coefficient of fluctuation of energy may be defined as the ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the work done per cycle. It is denoted by Ce. |
Q 1a)(vi) |
2 |
Question:Draw line diagram of porter governorAnswer: |
Q 2 b ) |
8 |
Question:Represent following processes on Psychrometric chart. i) Heating with humidification ii) Sensible heating. iii) Sensible cooling iv) Evaporative cooling.Answer: |
Q 3 c ) |
4 |
Question:Enlist the four effects of subcooling on the performance of V.C.C. refrigeration cycle.Answer: The process of cooling refrigerant below condensing temperature for a given pressure is known as sub cooling. -Due to sub cooling the refrigerating effect increases or for same refrigerating effect the circulation rate refrigerant decreases and therefore COP of system increases. Thus sub cooling is desirable & is done to increase refrigerating effect & COP of system ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 4a)(iii) |
4 |
Question:State any four applications of spring.Answer: 1) To cushion, absorb or control energy to external load : Car springs, Railway buffers 2) To store Energy : Watches Toys 3) To Measure forces : Spring Balances, Gauges ,Engines 4) To provide clamping force in Jigs & fixtures. 5) To apply forces as in brakes, clutches & spring loaded valve. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 4 c ) |
4 |
Question:Differentiate between flywheel and governor.Answer: Difference between Flywheel and Governor : |
Q 5 a ) |
8 |
Question:Explain with neat block diagram the working of ‘Vapour Absorbtion Cycle’.Answer: Working of Simple Vapor absorption system: A Simple Vapor absorption system consists of evaporator, absorber, generator, condenser, expansion valve, pump & reducing valve. In this system ammonia is used as refrigerant and solution is used is aqua ammonia. Strong solution of aqua ammonia contains as much as ammonia as it can and weak solution contains less ammonia. The compressor of vapor compressor system is replaced by an absorber, generator, reducing valve and pump. The heat flow in the system at generator, and work is supplied to pump. Ammonia vapors coming out of evaporator are drawn in absorber. The weak solution containing very little ammonia is spread in absorber. The weak solution absorbs ammonia and gets converted into strong solution. This strong solution from absorber is pumped into generator. The addition of heat liberates ammonia vapor and solution gets converted into weak solution. The released vapor is passed to condenser and weak solution to absorber through a reducing valve. Thus, the function of a compressor is done by absorber, a generator, pump and reducing valve. The simple vapor compressor system is used where there is scarcity of Electricity and it is very useful at partial and full load. -------
Q 5 b ) |
8 |
Question:A railway wagon having 1500 kg mass and moving at 1 m/s velocity dashes against a bumper consisting of two helical springs of spring index 6. The springs, which get compressed by 150 mm while resisting a dash made of spring steel having allowable shear stress of 360 N/mm2 and modulus of rigidity 8.4 104 N/mm2 . Design the helical coil spring with circular crosssection of spring wire.Answer:
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Q 6 ) |
4 |
Question:Draw a neat sketch of leaf spring of semi-elliptical type and name its parts.Answer: Sketch of Leaf Spring of semi elliptical Type ….Diagram+ Names : |
Q 6 a ) |
4 |
Question:State the following term : i) Tonnes of refrigeration ii) COPAnswer: |
Q 6a)(ii) |
4 |
Question:Explain single cylinder 4-stroke I.C. engine using turning moment diagram.Answer: A turning moment diagram for a four stroke cycle internal combustion engine, we know that in a four stroke cycle internal combustion engine, there is one working stroke after a crank has turned through two revolution i.e.7200 . Since the pressure inside the engine cylinder is less than the atmospheric pressure during suction stroke therefore a negative loop is formed. During the compression stroke, the work is done on gases, therefore a higher negative loop is obtained. During the expansion or working stroke, the fuel burns and the gases expand, therefore a positive loop is obtained. In this stroke the work done is by the gases. During exhaust stroke, the work is done on the gases, therefore negative loop is formed. It may be noted that effect of inertia forces on the piston is taken is account. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 d ) |
4 |
Question:Compare between window air conditioner and split air conditioner (any four)Answer: |
Que.No | Marks | |
Q 1a)(vii) |
2 |
Question:Define fluctuation of energy and coefficient of fluctuation of energy.Answer: a) Fluctuation of energy -- The difference of maximum and minimum kinetic energy of flywheel is known as Fluctuation of energy b) Coefficient of fluctuation of energy -- - It is defined as the ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the work done per cycle. It is denoted by ke = (E1 - E2)/work done per cycle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 2 a ) |
8 |
Question:Differentiate vapour compression and vapour absorption refrigeration system. (min. eight points of difference)Answer: Differences between Vapour Absorption and Vapour Compression refrigeration system
Q 3 c ) |
4 |
Question:Define i) Humidity ratio, ii) Specific humidityAnswer: Specific humidity : It is defined as the ratio of mass of vapor to the mass of dry air in a given sample of moist air . It is denoted by ω |
Q 4a)(ii) |
4 |
Question:Write the equation with Wahl’s factor, used for design of helical coil spring. State the SI unit of each term in the equationAnswer: |
Q 4 c ) |
4 |
Question:Distinguish between flywheel and governor.Answer: |
Q 5 a ) |
8 |
Question:Explain with neat sketch construction and working of ice plant.Answer: Working of Ice plant: The main cycle used for ice plant is vapor compression cycle with ammonia as the refrigerant in primary circuit and brine solution in secondary circuit. Brine solution takes heat from water in secondary circuit and delivers the heat to ammonia in primary circuit. Thus, the indirect method of cooling is used in ice plant. In secondary circuit brine is cooled in evaporator and then it is circulated around the can which contains water. The heat is extracted from the water in the can and is given to the brine. The brine is contentiously circulated around the can with the help of brine pump till entire water in the can is converted into ice at -6 0 C. Ammonia vapor coming out of evaporator is compressed to high pressure and then these vapors are condensed in the condenser. High pressure liquid ammonia is collected in the receiver and it is passed through the expansion valve to reduce its pressure and temperature as per requirement. The throttle liquid ammonia at low temperature & low pressure enters in evaporator, which are the coils dipped in brine tank. The liquid ammonia absorbs heat from brine and gets converted into vapors, which are drawn by suction line of compressor. |
Q 5 b ) |
8 |
Question:Design a helical compression spring with ground ends. The spring index is 12. Maximum load on the spring is 100N and deflection under maximum load is 15 mm. Allowable shear stress of the material is 100 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 4 MPa. Find wire and spring diameters, number of coils and stiffness of spring.Answer: |
Q 6 b ) |
4 |
Question:State two applications of leaf spring. Draw neat sketch of leaf springAnswer: Application of Leaf spring Bus/truck/Car suspension springs, diving board, Sketch of Leaf Spring of semi elliptical Type
Given Data: D=250 mm , P=1.5 N/mm2 , n =12 Nos. ,σt = 30 Mpa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 c ) |
4 |
Question:Define (i) Dew point temp. (ii) Wet bulb tempAnswer: i) DPT – Dew point temperature tDP - It is the temperature at which air water vapour mixture starts to condense. D.P.T. of mixture is defined as the temperature at which water vapours starts to condense. Ii) WBT - Wet bulb temperature - tWB - It is the temperature recorded by thermometer when its bulb is covered with wet cloth known as wick and is exposed to air. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6 e ) |
4 |
Question:How can the speed control of any actuator be achieved? Explain the speed control circuit of bi directional air motor with sketch.Answer: Speed control of any actuator (Cylinders or motors) can be controlled using flow control valves. Varying the rate of flow of oil will vary the speed of the actuator.(Explanation 1Mark) In meter in circuit, rate of flow of oil is controlled at inlet of the actuator. In meter out circuit, rate of flow of oil is controlled at outlet of the actuator. In bleed off circuit, rate of flow of oil is controlled in the by-pass line leading towards the tank. Speed control of bi-directional air motor: (Sketch 1Marks and Explanation 2 Marks) Bi-directional air motor rotates in clockwise as well as anti-clockwise direction. The speed of bi-directional motor is controlled as shown in fig. The speed control of motor by using variable two flow control valves having built-in check valve and 4x3 DC valve having zero position or central hold position with lever L1 and L2. When lever L1 is operated, port P will be connected to port A of air motor and motor will start rotating in clockwise direction. Its speed can be controlled by using variable flow control valve F1. Port B of motor will be connected to exhaust R and air in motor will be exhausted through port R via DC valve. When lever L2 is operated, pressure port P will be connected to port B of motor and naturally motor will start rotating in anticlockwise direction. Port A will be connected to port R and air in the motor will be exhausted through port R via DC valve. |
Q 6 e ) |
4 |
Question:Draw neat sketch of split air conditioner and name the parts.Answer: Split Air-conditioner labeled Diagram 02 for figure 02 for labeling
Que.No | Marks | |||||||||||||
Q 1a)(e) |
2 |
Question:State the function of Governor in an I.C. engine.Answer: The function of a governor is to regulate the mean speed of an engine, when there are variations in the load e.g. when the load on an engine increases, its speed decreases, therefore it becomes necessary to increase the supply of working fluid. On the other hand, when the load on the engine decreases, its speed increases and thus less working fluid is required. The governor automatically controls the supply of working fluid to the engine with the varying load conditions and keeps the mean speed within certain limits. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 1a)(f) |
2 |
Question:State four applications of flywheel.Answer: Applications of flywheel : Used in Internal combustion engines, press machines, mills, punching machines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 2 c ) |
8 |
Question:Explain vapour compression refrigeration (for dry saturated state of refrigerant) cycle with the help of P-h and T-s charts.Answer:
Processes in VCR cycle 1) The point 1 represents condition of refrigerant at entry of compressor which is wet. Process 1 – 2 – Isentropic compression of refrigerant vapour till it becomes dry and saturated. Process 2 – 3 – Condensation of vapour refrigerant up to saturated liquid condition at constant pressure. Process 3 – 4 – Expansion of liquid refrigerant by expansion device. This reduces pressure as well as temperature of liquid refrigerant. Process 4 – 1 – Evaporation of liquid refrigerant in the evaporator thus establishing required refrigerating effect. Thus it completes one cycle of refrigeration. Refrigerating effect = RE = m (h1 – h4) Compressor power = m (h2 – h1) Where m = mass flow rate of refrigerant in kg/sec.
Q 3 e ) |
4 |
Question:Explain the concept of super heating and sub cooling with the help of P-h and T-s chartsAnswer: |
Q 4 c ) |
4 |
Question:Explain with sketch working of hartnell governor.Answer: |
Q 5 c ) |
8 |
Question:Draw a neat sketch of vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Describe its workingAnswer:
Vapour compression refrigeration cycle Vapour compression refrigeration cycle consist of four different processes 1) Compression 2) Condensation 3) Expansion 4) Evaporation Components and its functions 1) Compressor – The low pressure & temperature refrigerant from evaporator is drawn into compressor. It is compressed to a high pressure & high temp. vapour refrigerant is discharged into condenser. 2) Condenser – High pressure & temperature vapour refrigerant is cooled and condensed by using air or water & form liquid vapour refrigerant. Heat is rejected 3) Expansion valve – to control flow of refrigerant and reducing it pressure and temperature 4) Evaporator – liquid vapour refrigerant at low pressure and low temperature is evaporated by absorbing heat from system or substance and change into vapour refrigerant. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6a)(ii) |
4 |
Question:Explain the concept of fluctuation of energy related with turning moment diagram with sketch.Answer: |
Q 6 d ) |
4 |
Question:Difference between Heat Pump and Refrigerator explain.Answer: Difference Heat Pump RefrigeratorDifference heat pump refrigerator is elaborated in the following table. Actually both devices are same but just the application is different.
More details about difference heatpump refrigerator Heat Pump :A heat pump is essentially an air conditioner installed in backward direction. It extracts energy from colder air outside the room and deposits it in a warmer room inside.
Refrigerator ( or Air conditioner) does exactly opposite to that of heat pump. It extracts heat from clolder room inside and throws it outside which is already hotter than inside room. |
Q 6 e ) |
4 |
Question:Explain the working of window air conditioner with neat sketch.Answer: The low pressure and low temperature refrigerant vapour from evaporator is sucked by compressor. The compressor compresses the vapour to high pressure and high temperature and discharges to the condenser. On the condenser the refrigerant vapour condenses by dissipating heat to the cooling medium (air) the liquid refrigerant coming out of condenser passes through filter, dryer into capillary tube where it is again throated back to the evaporated pressure. The low pressure low temp liquid refrigerant then flows to evaporator which it boil off by extracting heat from air to be circuited to the conditioned space. |
Que.No | Marks | |
Q 1a)(v) |
2 |
Question:State the function of flywheel in IC engine.Answer: A flywheel controls the speed variations caused by the fluctuation of the engine turning moment during each cycle of operation. A flywheel used in machines serves as a reservoir, which stores energy during the period when the supply of energy is more than the requirement, and releases it during the period when the requirement of energy is more than the supply. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 1a)(vi) |
2 |
Question:Define stability and hunting of governor.Answer: Stability of governor : A governor is said to be stable when for every speed within the working range there is a definite configuration i.e. there is only one radius of rotation of the governor balls at which the governor is in equilibrium. For a stable governor, if the equilibrium speed increases, the radius of governor balls must also increase. Hunting of governor : A governor is said to be hunt if the speed of the engine fluctuates continuously above and below the mean speed. This is caused by a too sensitive governor which changes the fuel supply by a large amount when a small change in the speed of rotation takes place. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 2 b ) |
8 |
Question:Explain sensible heating and cooling with dehumidification by sketching it on outline diagram of psychrometric chartAnswer: Heating with Dehumidification process : By this process, specific humidity of air decreases and its dry bulb temperature increases. This type of process is suitable for industrial air conditioning where low relative humidity is required. This process is achieved by passing a stream of air over chemicals which have an affinity for water. The process is shown in figure.
Cooling with Dehumidification process : This process is used when atmospheric condition is hot and humid. To decrease the humidity of air it is passed over a cooling coil whose temperature is less than dew point temperature of air. As the air passes over the cooling coil, the moisture in air condenses and its temperature is also decreased ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 3 c ) |
4 |
Question:Draw and explain simple vapour absorption refrigeration systemAnswer: A Simple Vapor absorption system consists of evaporator, absorber, generator, condenser, expansion valve, pump & reducing valve. In this system ammonia is used as refrigerant and solution is used is aqua ammonia. Strong solution of aqua ammonia contains as much as ammonia as it can and weak solution contains less ammonia. The compressor of vapor compressor system is replaced by an absorber, generator, reducing valve and pump. The heat flow in the system at generator, and work is supplied to pump. Ammonia vapors coming out of evaporator are drawn in absorber. The weak solution containing very little ammonia is spread in absorber. The weak solution absorbs ammonia and gets converted into strong solution. This strong solution from absorber is pumped into generator. The addition of heat liberates ammonia vapor and solution gets converted into weak solution. The released vapor is passed to condenser and weak solution to absorber through a reducing valve. Thus, the function of a compressor is done by absorber, a generator, pump and reducing valve. The simple vapor compressor system is used where there is scarcity of electricity and it is very useful at partial and full load. |
Q 4a)(ii) |
4 |
Question:: (1) Spring index (2) Spring stiffness (3) Free length of spring (4) Solid length of springAnswer: |
Q 4 c ) |
4 |
Question:Draw turning moment diagram for single cylinder four stroke I.C. Engine. Label all parts.Answer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 5 a ) |
8 |
Question:Explain construction and working of ice plant with neat sketch.Answer: The main cycle used for ice plant is vapor compression cycle with ammonia as the refrigerant in primary circuit and brine solution in secondary circuit. Brine solution takes heat from water in secondary circuit and delivers the heat to ammonia in primary circuit. Thus, the indirect method of cooling is used in ice plant. In secondary circuit brine is cooled in evaporator and then it is circulated around the can which contains water. The heat is extracted from the water in the can and is given to the brine. The brine is contentiously circulated around the can with the help of brine pump till entire water in the can is converted into ice at -6 0 C. Ammonia vapor coming out of evaporator is compressed to high pressure and then these vapors are condensed in the condenser. High pressure liquid ammonia is collected in the receiver and it is passed through the expansion valve to reduce its pressure and temperature as per requirement. The throttle liquid ammonia at low temperature & low pressure enters in evaporator, which are the coils dipped in brine tank. The liquid ammonia absorbs heat from brine and gets converted into vapors, which are drawn by suction line of compressor. |
Q 5 b ) |
8 |
Question:A safety valve of 60 mm diameter is to blow off at a pressure of 1.2 N/mm2. It is held on its seat by a close coiled helical spring. The maximum lift of the valve is 10 mm. Design a suitable compression spring of spring index 5 with an initial compression of 35 mm. The shear stress for spring material is limited to 500 MPa. Take G = 80 kN/mm2.Answer: |
Q 6 a ) |
4 |
Question:Represent subcooling and superheating on P-h and T-S diagram in refrigeration also give its effect on C.O.P. of refrigeration.Answer: Superheating Due to superheating suction temperature of compressor increases , increasing compressor power but it also increases the refrigerating effect therefore COP of system remains more or less constant. The superheating is not done to increase the refrigerating effect or COP but it is done to increase the life of compressor. The process of cooling refrigerant below condensing temperature for a given pressure is known as sub-cooling. Due to sub-cooling the refrigerating effect increases or for same refrigerating effect the circulation rate refrigerant decreases and therefore COP of system increases. Thus sub-cooling is desirable & is done to increase refrigerating effect & COP of system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 6a)(ii) |
4 |
Question:Compare flywheel and governor.Answer: |
Q 6 b ) |
8 |
Question:A semi-elliptical carriage spring of 1200 mm length withstands a load of 60 kN with maximum deflection of 90 mm. Assume breadth to thickness ratio as 8. Design the spring if bending stress of spring material is 540 MPa and E = 2 × 105 N/mm2.Answer: |
Q 6 d ) |
4 |
Question:Give classification of air conditioning system.Answer: Air conditioning systems are classified as 1) Classification as to major function- i) Comfort air-conditioning - air conditioning in hotels, homes, offices etc. ii) Commercial air-conditioning- air conditioning for malls, super market etc ii) Industrial air-conditioning – air conditioning for processing, laboratories etc 2) Classification as to season of the yeari) Summer air-conditioning - These system control all the four atmospheric conditions for summer comfort. ii) Winter air-conditioning – This system is designed for comfort in winter. iii) Year round air-conditioning – These system consists of heating and cooling equipments with automatic control to produce comfortable condition throughout the year 3) Classification as to Equipment Arrangementi) Unitary system ii) Central system ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Que.No | Marks | |
Q 2b)(i) |
8 |
Question:Define: 1) DPT 2) WBT 3) DBT 4) moist air.Answer: DPT – Dew point temperature tDP - It is the temperature at which air water vapour mixture starts to condense. 01 D.P.T. of mixture is defined as the temperature at which water vapours starts to condense. WBT - Wet bulb temperature - tWB 01 - It is the temperature recorded by thermometer when its bulb is covered with wet cloth known as wick and is exposed to air. DBT – Dry bulb temperature - tDB 01 - It is the temperature of air recorded by a ordinary thermometer and it is not affected by the moisture present in air. Moist Air – It is the mixture of dry air and water vapour ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 2b)(ii) |
8 |
Question:Define following terms: 1) specific humidity 2) absolute humidity 3) relative humidity 4) degree of saturation.Answer: Specific humidity:- It is defined as the ratio of mass of vapour to the mass of dry air in a given sample of moist air. Specific humidity ma mv Absolute humidity:- It is defined as the actual mass of water vapour in unit volume of air. Its unit is gm/m3 Relative humidity:- It is defined as the ratio of partial pressure of water vapour in a given volume of mixture to the partial pressure of water vapour when same volume of mixture is saturated at the same temperature. Degree of saturation:- It is defined as the ratio of mass of water vapour associated with unit mass of dry air to the mass of water vapour associated with saturated unit mass of dry air at same temperature. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 3 c ) |
4 |
Question:List any four applications of refrigeration.Answer: i. To produce Ice in ICE Plant ii. To Store Vegetable or Domestic materials in Domestic Refrigerator. iii. To Transport Fish, Fruits etc. in Cold Storage. iv. To Cool Water in Water cooler. v. Processing of food products. vi. Processing of textiles, printing work, photographic materials etc. vii. Storage of ice, blood and medicines etc. viii. Preservation of photographic films , archeological documents etc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Q 5 a ) |
8 |
Question: Answer:
Q 6 d ) |
4 |
Question:Distinguish between central A/C and unitary A/C systems with respect to following parameters: (i) vibration (ii) noise (iii) power consumption (iv) operating cost (v) ducting (vi) failure problem (vii) initial cost (viii) maintenance costAnswer: |
Que.No | Marks | |
Q 2 c ) |
8 |
Question:Explain working principle of simple vapour absorption refrigeration system. Represent it on the block diagram.Answer: Working of Simple Vapor absorption system: A Simple Vapor absorption system consists of evaporator, absorber, generator, condenser, expansion valve, pump & reducing valve. In this system ammonia is used as refrigerant and solution is used is aqua ammonia. Strong solution of aqua ammonia contains as much as ammonia as it can and weak solution contains less ammonia. The compressor of vapor compressor system is replaced by an absorber, generator, reducing valve and pump. The heat flow in the system at generator, and work is supplied to pump. Ammonia vapors coming out of evaporator are drawn in absorber. The weak solution containing very little ammonia is spread in absorber. The weak solution absorbs ammonia and gets converted into strong solution. This strong solution from absorber is pumped into generator. The addition of heat liberates ammonia vapor and solution gets converted into weak solution. The released vapor is passed to condenser and weak solution to absorber through a reducing valve. Thus, the function of a compressor is done by absorber, a generator, pump and reducing valve. The simple vapor compressor system is used where there is scarcity of Electricity and it is very useful at partial and full load.
Q 3 e ) |
4 |
Question:Represent wet compression and dry compression on T-S and P-H diagram and name all processes involved in itAnswer: |
Q 5 c ) |
8 |
Question:Explain with neat sketch working principle of Ice plant.Answer: Working of Ice plant: The main cycle used for ice plant is vapor compression cycle with ammonia as the refrigerant in primary circuit and brine solution in secondary circuit. Brine solution takes heat from water in secondary circuit and delivers the heat to ammonia in primary circuit. Thus, the indirect method of cooling is used in ice plant. In secondary circuit brine is cooled in evaporator and then it is circulated around the can which contains water. The heat is extracted from the water in the can and is given to the brine. The brine is contentiously circulated around the can with the help of brine pump till entire water in the can is converted into ice at -6 0 C. Ammonia vapor coming out of evaporator is compressed to high pressure and then these vapors are condensed in the condenser. High pressure liquid ammonia is collected in the receiver and it is passed through the expansion valve to reduce its pressure and temperature as per requirement. The throttle liquid ammonia at low temperature & low pressure enters in evaporator, which are the coils dipped in brine tank. The liquid ammonia absorbs heat from brine and gets converted into vapors, which are drawn by suction line of compressor. |
Q 6 d ) |
4 |
Question:Define : i) DBT ii) WBT iii) DPT iv) Relative humidity.Answer: |
Q 6 e ) |
4 |
Question:Give the classification of air conditioning systems.Answer: Air conditioning systems are classified as 1) Classification as to major function- i) Comfort air-conditioning - air conditioning in hotels, homes, offices etc. ii) Commercial air-conditioning- air conditioning for malls, super market etc iii) Industrial air-conditioning – air conditioning for processing, laboratories etc 2) Classification as to season of the year- i) Summer air-conditioning - These system control all the four atmospheric conditions for summer comfort. ii) Winter air-conditioning – This system is designed for comfort in winter. iii) Year round air-conditioning – These system consists of heating and cooling equipments with automatic control to produce comfortable condition throughout the year 3)According to equipment arrangement-Unitary and Central air conditioning. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |