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The following results were obtained during Morse test on 4 stroke petrol engine


The following results were obtained during Morse test on 4 stroke petrol engine
Brake power developed when all cylinders are working = 16.2 kw
Brake power developed with cylinder no. 1 cut off = 11.5 kw
Brake power developed with cylinder no. 02 cutoff = 11.6 kw
Brake power developed with cylinder no. 03 cutoff = 11.68 kw
Brake power developed with cylinder no. 04 cutoff = 11.5 kw
Calculate mechanical efficiency of the engine.


Brake Power Engine (BP)engine = 16.2 kW Brake Power developed when 1st Cylinder cut-off ( BP )2,3,4 = 11.5 kW Brake Power developed when 2nd Cylinder cut-off ( BP )1,3,4 = 11.6 kW Brake Power developed when 3 rdCylinder cut-off ( BP )1,2,4 = 11.68 kW Brake Power developed when 4 thCylinder cut-off ( BP )1,2,3 = 11.5 kW Indicated Power of 1st cylinder IP1 = (BP)engine - ( BP )2,3,4 = 16.2 – 11.5 = 4.7 kW IP2 = (BP)engine - ( BP )1,3,4 = 16.2 – 11.6 = 4.6 kW IP3 = (BP)engine - ( BP )1,3,4 = 16.2 – 11.68 = 4.52 kW IP4 = (BP)engine - ( BP )1,2,3 = 16.2 – 11.5 = 4.7 kW Indicated Power of Engine IP = IP1 + IP2 + IP3 + IP4 = 4.7 + 4.6 + 4.52 + 4.7 = 18.52 kW Mechanical Efficiency of the Engine ηm = ( BP / IP ) x 100 = ( 16.2 / 18.52 ) x 100 = 87.47 %