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Law of gearing

Law of Gearing

Law of gearing states that the common normal at the point of contact between a pair of teeth must always pass through the pitch point for all positions of mating gear. This law forms the basis for the gear profile design. This is a must condition for the two gears to perform properly.

Law of gearing Proof

Consider the portions of two gear teeth in mesh.o1 and o2 are centre points,

Let K= point of contact

TT = COmmon tangent at the point of contact K

Define the following terms as applied to cam with neat sketch.

(1) Pitch circle- Circle drawn from centre of cam through pitch points.

(2) Pressure angle- Angle between direction of follower motion and normal to pitch curve.

(3) Stroke- Maximum travel of follower from its lowest position to top most position.

(4) Module –(Gears) – Ratio of pitch circle diameter in mm to No. of teeth on gear.


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