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Explain the construction of 4/2 poppet valve with neat sketch & symbol.


Explain the construction of 4/2 poppet valve with neat sketch & symbol.


4/2 puppet valve Figure shows a cross sectional schematic view of a poppet type 4/2 direction control valve. Inside the valve housing, a number of bores are engraved and interconnected through number of valve elements. The ports ‘P’, ‘R’, ‘A’, and ‘B’ shown in the diagram are designated as ‘Ppressure port, ‘A’ and ‘B’ – cylinder port and ‘R’ – exhaust port. In the position shown in the sketch, it is found that ‘P’ connects to ‘A’ and ‘B’ to ‘R’, When the elements are actuated by means of the push button, they are unseat and ‘P’ connects to ‘B’ and ‘A’ to ‘R’. The rated size of the valve depends on the cross-section of the valve port. Through proper shaping of the fluid ports or canals, the loss of pressure may be minimized. The actuating elements of the spool in zero position are spring controlled and for accurate controlling may be designed as pressure compensated