1. Find MI of a “T” section about its centroidal axis having following dimensions, Flange=200 mm
40 mm 2) Web= 200 mm
40 mm
2) Find Ixx and Iyy for an unequal angle 100
10 mm. 100 mm leg is horizontal.
3) Find MI of a T section 200
20 mm flange and 180
20 mm web about x axis.
4}A symmetrical I section has the following dimensions,flanges=100mm
10mm, Web=10 mm
100 mm. Calculate Polar MI of the section.
5)Calculate Ixx and Iyy for an unequal angle section 70
10 mm. Take 70 mm leg vertical
6)Determine Moment of inertia about xx and yy axis of I section having following dimensions Top flange : 20
80 mm, Web : 10
280 mm, Bottom Flange : 120
20 mm
, Iyy = 3.756
7) A c Channel is shown below find its Moment of inertia about xx and yy axis.
{Ixx = 4.4733
, Iyy = 0.7097
8. Find the radius of gyration of the channel section about the centroidal axis as shown below,