A simple band brake shown in figure 2 is applied to a shaft carrying a flywheel of mass 250 kg..........
A simple band brake drum:
Explain single cylinder 4-stroke I.C. engine using turning moment diagram.
A turning moment diagram for a four stroke cycle internal combustion engine, we know that in a four stroke cycle internal combustion engine, there is one working stroke after a crank has turned through two revolution i.e.7200 . Since the pressure inside the engine cylinder is less than the atmospheric pressure during suction stroke therefore a negative loop is formed. During the compression stroke, the work is done on gases, therefore a higher negative loop is obtained.
Explain sleep and creep phenomenon in belts.
Slip of Belt:- Ans:- When driver pulley rotates firm grip between its surface and the belt. This firm grip between pulley and belt is because of friction and known as frictional grip. If this frictional grip becomes insufficient to transmit the motion of pulley to belt. Then there will be. 1) Forward motion of driver pulley without carrying belt called as slip on driving side.
Two parallel shafts, connected by a crossed belt,.....
Draw the profile of cam operating a roller reciprocating follower ..........
ii) cam profile:
In a slider crank mechanism shown in figure 1................
i) Velocity of crank AO:
VAO = (r X ω ) X (480 X 20)
aab = l(ab) X Scale = 4.3 X 40 X 103
aab = 172 X 10 mm/sec2
A rotor having the following properties.........
Data :
A multiplate disc clutch transmits 55 kW..............
Explain construction and working of eddy current dynamometer.
Construction and Working of Eddy current dynamometer :