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What are the limitations of pneumatic system?


What are the limitations of pneumatic system?


1. Relatively low accuracy: As pneumatic systems are powered by the force provided by compressed air, their operation is subject to the volume of the compressed air. As the volume of air may change when compressed or heated, the supply of air to the system may not be accurate, causing a decrease in the overall accuracy of the system. 2. Low loading: As the cylinders of pneumatic components are not very large, a pneumatic system cannot drive loads that are too heavy. 3. Processing required before use Compressed air must be processed before use to ensure the absence of water vapour or dust. Otherwise, the moving parts of the pneumatic components may wear out quickly due to friction. 4. Uneven moving speed: As air can easily be compressed, the moving speeds of the pistons are relatively uneven. 5. Noise: Noise will be produced when compressed air is released from the pneumatic components. 6. Lubricator: Lubricator is required to add lubricant oil to compressed air to reduce friction.