1. A rectangular section 230 mm wide and 400mm deep is subjected to shear force of 40 KN find max. shear stress across section.
2. A circular has 50 mm diameter carries shear force of 120 KN find Average and max shear stress
3. A circular beam has diameter 100 mm has max shear stress 2.122 N/ Find shear force acting on it.
(Ans = f = )
4. A rectangular beam 100 mm wide is subjected to shear force of 50 KN its max shear stress is 4 MPa find depth.
(Ans = d = 187.5 mm)
5. A simply supported beam of span 6m is having central point load of 100KN .If the maximum permissible shear stress for the timber materials is 8MPa design the suitable dimensions of the beam ,when the section is of i) Circular cross section ii) Square cross section .