Topic wise Paper Solution
Que.No | Question/Problem | marks |
Q 1 i ) |
Define self-energizing and self-locking brake. |
2 |
Q 1 m ) |
What are the limitations of shoe brake ? |
2 |
Q 1 n ) |
Define uniform wear theory and uniform pressure theory. |
2 |
Q 4 e ) |
Explain the working of internal expanding brake with neat sketch. |
4 |
Q 4 f ) |
A shaft has number of collars integral with it........... |
4 |
Q 6 c ) |
Explain the working of rope brake dynamometer with neat sketch |
4 |
Que.No | Question/Problem | marks |
Q 1a)(vii) |
State the application of (i) Disc brake (ii) Internal expanding brake |
2 |
Q 4 d ) |
Explain construction and working of eddy current dynamometer. |
4 |
Q 6 b ) |
A simple band brake shown in figure 2 is applied to a shaft carrying a flywheel of mass 250 kg.......... |
8 |
Q 6 c ) |
A conical pivot with angle of cone as 100.......... |
8 |
Que.No | Question/Problem | marks |
Q 1a)(g) |
Give the classification of dynamometer. State the function of it. |
2 |
Q 4 d ) |
Explain working of hydraulic brake dynamometer with sketch. |
4 |
Q 4 f ) |
A thrust shaft of a ship has 6 collar of 600 mm ................... |
4 |
Q 6 b ) |
A simple band brake is operated by lever 40 cm long....... |
8 |
Que.No | Question/Problem | marks |
Q 1a)(vii) |
Compare brakes and dynamometers (two points). |
2 |
Q 2 f ) |
Numerical Problem-A casting weighing 9 kN hangs freely from a rope which makes 2.5 turns ............ |
4 |
Q 4 d ) |
Explain the working of rope brake dynamometer with neat sketch. |
4 |
Q 6 b ) |
In a simple band brake, the band acts on the 3/4th of circumference of a drum of 450 mm diameter............. |
8 |