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Define angle of lap and slip in belt drive.

Slip of belt : The motion of belts and shafts assuming a firm frictional grip between the belts and the shafts. But sometimes, the frictional grip becomes insufficient. This may cause some forward motion of the driver without carrying the belt with it. This may also cause some forward motion of the belt without carrying the driven pulley with it. This is called slip of the belt and is generally expressed as a percentage.

Enlist the different type of follower motion.

Motion of the Follower :

1. Uniform velocity,                                                             2. Simple harmonic motion,

3. Uniform acceleration and retardation, and             4. Cycloidal motion.

Define kinematic link and kinematic chain.

Each part of a machine, which moves relative to some other part, is known as a kinematic link.

When the kinematic pairs are coupled in such a way that the last link is joined to the first link to transmit definite motion (i.e. completely or successfully constrained motion), it is called a kinematic chain.

Explain single cylinder 4-stroke I.C. engine using turning moment diagram.

A turning moment diagram for a four stroke cycle internal combustion engine, we know that in a four stroke cycle internal combustion engine, there is one working stroke after a crank has turned through two revolution i.e.7200 . Since the pressure inside the engine cylinder is less than the atmospheric pressure during suction stroke therefore a negative loop is formed. During the compression stroke, the work is done on gases, therefore a higher negative loop is obtained.

Explain single cylinder 4-stroke I.C. engine using turning moment diagram.

A turning moment diagram for a four stroke cycle internal combustion engine, we know that in a four stroke cycle internal combustion engine, there is one working stroke after a crank has turned through two revolution i.e.7200 . Since the pressure inside the engine cylinder is less than the atmospheric pressure during suction stroke therefore a negative loop is formed. During the compression stroke, the work is done on gases, therefore a higher negative loop is obtained.

Explain sleep and creep phenomenon in belts.

Slip of Belt:- Ans:- When driver pulley rotates firm grip between its surface and the belt. This firm grip between pulley and belt is because of friction and known as frictional grip. If this frictional grip becomes insufficient to transmit the motion of pulley to belt. Then there will be. 1) Forward motion of driver pulley without carrying belt called as slip on driving side.

Law of gearing

Law of Gearing

Law of gearing states that the common normal at the point of contact between a pair of teeth must always pass through the pitch point for all positions of mating gear. This law forms the basis for the gear profile design. This is a must condition for the two gears to perform properly.

Law of gearing Proof

Consider the portions of two gear teeth in mesh.o1 and o2 are centre points,

Let K= point of contact

TT = COmmon tangent at the point of contact K


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