Q 1 a ) |
Define inversion with example. |
2 |
Q 1a)(a)
Enlist uses of compressed air (any four). |
4 |
Q 1a)(a)
What is function of (i) oil reservoir (ii) pressure relief valve, (iii) direction control valve, (iv) filters ? |
4 |
Q 1a)(b)
What are the advantages of multistaging ? |
4 |
Q 1a)(b)
Draw and explain working of pressure reducing valve......... |
4 |
Q 1a)(c)
Classify gas turbines |
4 |
Q 1a)(c)
Explain piston pump with neat sketch............. |
4 |
Q 1a)(d)
Define : i) Tonnage of refrigeration........ |
4 |
Q 1a)(d)
What is an accumulator ? Why accumulator is necessary for huge hydraulic pressers ? |
4 |
Q 1a)(ii)
Cotter Joint |
8 |
Q 1a)(iii)
A hollow shaft for a rotary compressor is to be designed to transmit maximum torque of 4750 N-m. The shear stress in the shaft is limited to 50 MPa. Determine the inside outside diameter of the shaft if the ratio of inside to outside diameter of the shaft |
8 |
Q 1 b ) |
List the inversions for double slider crank mechanism. |
2 |
Q 1b)(a)
Give classification of IC engines (any six).......... |
6 |
Q 1b)(a)
Write the causes and remedies for the following.............. |
6 |
Q 1b)(b)
What is pressure compensated flow control valve ? Explain with sketch............ |
6 |
Q 1b)(b)
Morse Test |
6 |
Q 1b)(i)
What are the factors to be considered for selection of materials for design of machine elements? |
6 |
Q 1b)(ii)
Design a bushed pin type flexible coupling for connecting a motor shaft to a pump shaft for the following service conditions. Power to be transmitted = 40 KW. Speed of the motor shaft = 1000 RPM. Diameter of the motor shaft = 50 mm Diameter of the pump sh |
6 |
Q 1 c ) |
Define sliding pair with example. |
2 |
Q 1 d ) |
Define centripetal and tangential acceleration. |
2 |
Q 1 e ) |
Find the velocity of point B and midpoint C of link AB shown in Figure |
2 |
Q 1 f ) |
Classify the cam |
2 |
Q 1 g ) |
Define following terms with respect to cam and follower |
2 |
Q 1 h ) |
What are the limitations of knife edge follower ? |
2 |
Q 1 i ) |
Define self-energizing and self-locking brake. |
2 |
Q 1 i ) |
Write down the formula of length of belt for open belt drive and cross belt drive. |
2 |
Q 1 i ) |
List the methods to reduce the slip in belt and pulley. |
2 |
Q 1 k ) |
Define law of gearing. |
2 |
Q 1 l ) |
What is factor of safety? State its importance in design of machine elements. |
8 |
Q 1 m ) |
What are the limitations of shoe brake ? |
2 |
Q 1 n ) |
Define uniform wear theory and uniform pressure theory. |
2 |
Q 1 o ) |
State effects of imbalance in machine. |
2 |
Q 2 a ) |
Compare meter-in-circuit with meter-out-circuit............. |
8 |
Q 2 a ) |
Design a knuckle joint to transmit 150 KN. The design stresses may be taken as 75 MPa in tension, 60 MPa in shear and 150 MPa in compression. |
8 |
Q 2 a ) |
Draw a neat sketch and explain working of beam engine. |
4 |
Q 2 a ) |
In an Ideal ottocycle the air at the beginning of isentropic compression is at 1.01325 bar and...... |
8 |
Q 2 b ) |
Explain with neat sketch how to find the velocity of a slider in slider crank mechanism by Klein’s construction. |
2 |
Q 2 b ) |
Explain vapour compression refrigeration cycle on T-S and p-h charts.. |
8 |
Q 2 b ) |
The following data refers to a trial conducted on 4-stroke petrol engine Air-fuel ratio (by mass)...... |
8 |
Q 2b)(ii)
Draw neat sketch of a protected type flanged coupling showing all details. |
8 |
Q 2b)(l)
State and explain two most important reasons for adopting involute curves for a gear tooth profile |
8 |
Q 2 c ) |
Draw and explain in short, types of followers used in cam and follower. |
4 |
Q 2 c ) |
What is function of filters ? Classify the filters and draw any two types of filter....................... |
8 |
Q 2 c ) |
Differentiate between reciprocating air compressor and rotary air compressor. |
8 |
Q 2c)(i)
Why are bushes of softer material inserted in the eyes of levers? |
8 |
Q 2c)(ii)
Explain the following types of stresses a) Transverse shear stress b) Compressive stress c) Torsional shear stress |
8 |
Q 2 d ) |
Explain condition for maximum power transmission. |
4 |
Q 2 e ) |
Explain the compound gear train with neat sketch and write down the velocity ratio’s equation. |
4 |
Q 2 f ) |
A multiplate clutch has three pairs of contact surfaces. The outer and inner radii ....... |
4 |
Q 3 ) |
Represent Brayton cycle on PV and TS diagram....... |
4 |
Q 3 a ) |
Explain 4-way-3 position direction control valve used in hydraulic system.......... |
4 |
Q 3 a ) |
Differentiate between mechanism and machine. |
4 |
Q 3 b ) |
Explain gear pump with neat sketch......... |
4 |
Q 3 b ) |
Explain the working of Whitworth quick return mechanism. |
4 |
Q 3 b ) |
Design a foot brake lever from the following data: Length of lever from C.G. of the spindle to the point of application of the load = 1 meter. Max. load on the foot plate = 800 N Overhang from the nearest bearing = 100 mm Permissible tensile and shear str |
4 |
Q 3 b ) |
A petrol engine has a cylinder of diameter 60 mm and stroke 100 mm....... |
4 |
Q 3 c ) |
Explain any four criteria for selection of hydraulic pump in hydraulic system. |
4 |
Q 3 c ) |
In slider crank mechanism, the length of crank OB and............... |
4 |
Q 3 c ) |
Explain with neat sketch two way catalytic converter. |
4 |
Q 3 d ) |
Find the width of the belt, necessary to transmit 7.5 kW............. |
4 |
Q 3 d ) |
Name any four components of pneumatic system...................... |
4 |
Q 3 d ) |
Compare welded joints with screwed joints. (Any six points) |
4 |
Q 3 d ) |
Differentiate between closed cycle and open cycle gas turbine |
4 |
Q 3 e ) |
Explain the effect of superheating and subcooling on the performance of vapour compression cycle...... |
4 |
Q 3 e ) |
Explain the working of Watt governor with neat diagram. |
4 |
Q 3 e ) |
Draw labelled sketch of air lubricator.............. |
4 |
Q 3 e ) |
A shaft 30 mm. diameter is transmitting power..................... |
4 |
Q 3 f ) |
Centrifugal Clutch |
4 |
Q 4 a ) |
Explain the working of freewheel mechanism of bicycle with sketch. |
4 |
Q 4a)(a)
a) Define : i) Stroke ii) Bore |
6 |
Q 4a)(a)
What are actuators ? Draw a double acting cylinder. |
4 |
Q 4a)(b)
Explain with sketch working of screw compressor. |
4 |
Q 4a)(b)
Explain pressure relief valve in pneumatic system. |
4 |
Q 4a)(c)
Classify gas turbines on the following basis..... |
4 |
Q 4a)(c)
Explain with sketch, a pneumatic circuit for speed control of bidirectional motor. |
4 |
Q 4a)(d)
Name the refrigerants used for.. |
4 |
Q 4a)(d)
State any two applications of 3 × 2 DC valve. Draw symbol for the same. |
4 |
Q 4a)(i)
(i) Give the composition of : 1) 35Mn 2 Mo28 2) 30Ni 4 Crl and 3) 25 Cr 3 Mo 55 |
4 |
Q 4a)(ii)
Define following terms with respect to springs : 1) Free length 2) Solid height 3) Spring rate 4) Spring index |
4 |
Q 4a)(iii)
Explain effect of keyways on strength of shaft. Name one type of key which does not affect strength of shaft |
4 |
Q 4a)(iv)
Define following terms w.r.t. bolts: 1) Major diameter 2) Minor diameter 3) Pitch 4) Lead |
4 |
Q 4 b ) |
In a four bar mechanism ABCD link AD is fixed and the crank AB rotates at 10 rad....... |
4 |
Q 4b)(a)
Explain with neat sketch the working of variable displacement vane pump. |
6 |
Q 4b)(b)
Compare pressure relief valve and pressure reducing valve. |
6 |
Q 4b)(i)
(i) Explain different causes of gear tooth failure and suggest possible remedies to avoid such failures |
6 |
Q 4b)(ii)
Explain the importance of Aesthetic considerations in design by giving any two examples. |
6 |
Q 4b)(ii)
Explain the working of two stage reciprocating compressor....... |
6 |
Q 4b)(l)
Explain how the heat balance sheet for an IC engine is prepared............ |
6 |
Q 4 c ) |
What are the advantages of ‘V’ belt drive over flat belt drive ? |
4 |
Q 4 d ) |
Explain the working of flywheel with the help of turning moment diagram. |
4 |
Q 4 e ) |
Explain the working of internal expanding brake with neat sketch. |
4 |
Q 4 f ) |
A shaft has number of collars integral with it........... |
4 |
Q 5 a ) |
List the factors to be considered for selecting the pipe while designing the pneumatic system. Give specification of pipes for the pneumatic system. |
8 |
Q 5 a ) |
A cam with 40 mm minimum diameter rotates in clockwise........... |
8 |
Q 5 a ) |
Four Stroke petrol engine |
8 |
Q 5a)(i)
(i) Show that the efficiency of a self locking screw is less than 50% |
8 |
Q 5a)(ii)
What is self locking property of threads and where it is necessary? |
8 |
Q 5 b ) |
Draw and explain pneumatic meter in circuit to control of speed extension. |
8 |
Q 5 b ) |
In the toggle mechanism as shown in Fig. (2), D is constrained...... |
8 |
Q 5 b ) |
State the methods used to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine and explain any one. |
8 |
Q 5b)(i)
(i) The extension springs are in considerably less use than compression springs. Why? |
8 |
Q 5b)(ii)
Explain the terms self locking and overhauling of screw. |
8 |
Q 5 c ) |
Explain with neat sketch (position based) working of sequencing circuit for two double acting Air cylinders. |
8 |
Q 5 c ) |
A leather belt is required to transmit 7.5 kW from a pulley........... |
8 |
Q 5c)(i)
Define following terms as applied to rolling contact bearings: 1) Basic static load rating 2) Basic dynamic load rating 3) Limiting speed |
8 |
Q 5c)(ii)
List important physical characteristics of good bearing material. |
8 |
Q 6 a ) |
Draw speed control of single acting cylinder pneumatic circuit using 3 × 2 DC valve |
4 |
Q 6 a ) |
Draw profiles to square and Acme threads with full details. Which one is stronger? |
4 |
Q 6 a ) |
Draw a neat sketch of Oldham’s coupling and explain the working of it. |
4 |
Q 6 a ) |
The following results were obtained during Morse test on 4 stroke petrol engine |
4 |
Q 6 b ) |
State any four reasons of failure of pneumatic seals. |
4 |
Q 6 b ) |
State any four reasons of failure of pneumatic seals. |
4 |
Q 6 b ) |
A helical valve spring is to be designed for an operating load range of approximately 135 N. The deflection of the spring for the load range is 7.5 mm. Assume spring index of 10. Permissible shear stress for the material of the spring = 480 MPa and its mo |
4 |
Q 6 b ) |
Define following terms Fluctuation of energy, co-efficient of fluctuation of energy, co-efficient of fluctuation speed, maximum fluctuation of energy |
4 |
Q 6 b ) |
What is the necessity of purification of air ? How to remove oil, moisture and dust from air....... |
4 |
Q 6 c ) |
What are the advantages of pneumatic system over hydraulic systems ? |
4 |
Q 6 c ) |
Explain the working of rope brake dynamometer with neat sketch |
4 |
Q 6 c ) |
A bracket as shown in Figure No. 1 is fixed to a vertical steel column by means of five standard bolts. |
4 |
Q 6 c ) |
Draw the schematic diagram of turbojet engine....... |
4 |
Q 6 d ) |
Define : i) WBT ii) DPT. |
4 |
Q 6 d ) |
Compare positive displacement pump with Rotodynamic pump. |
4 |
Q 6 d ) |
Explain the working of single plate clutch with neat diagram. |
4 |
Q 6 d ) |
What are rolling contact bearings? State their advantages over sliding contact bearings. |
4 |
Q 6 e ) |
Explain the working of simple vapour absorption refrigeration system. |
4 |
Q 6 e ) |
What are the various types of Hoses used in pneumatic system |
4 |
Q 6 e ) |
State reasons for balancing of rotating elements of machine. Explain balancing concept. |
4 |
Q 6 e ) |
State the strength equation of double parallel fillet weld and single transverse fillet weld with neat sketches |
4 |
Q 6 f ) |
Four masses A, B, C and D are attached to a shaft and revolve in the same plane.......... |
4 |