Question and answers with Videos for the Unit-1-Fundamentals and type of mechanisms
- Q.01.Define Statics, Dynamics, Kinetics and kinematics.
- Q.02.Define Kinematic link,Kin. pair, Kin. chain,Mechanism & inversion
- Q.03. Classify kinematic link. Or What are the types of links.?
- Q.04.Differentiate Between Structure and Machine
- Q.05.Differentiate Between Machine and Mechanism
- Q.06.State Different types of pairs and explain with sketch.
- Q.07. What do you mean by constrained motion ? What are types of constrained motion.
- Q.08. What are different types of Kinematic Chains ?
- Q.09.Enlist various Inversion of three types of Kinematic chains?
- Q.10.Explain the coupled wheels of locomotive mechanism.
- Q.11. Explain with sketch Beam engine
- Q.12.Explain with Sketch Pantograph
- Q.13. Draw the basic single slider crank chain and explain how different inversions are obtained by fixing different links.
- Q.14.Explain with Sketch Oscillating Cylinder Mechanism.
- Q.15.State and explain Bull engine mechanism {Pendulum Pump}
- Q.16. Explain with sketch Gnome Engine or Rotary Engine
- Q.17. Explain with sketch Crank and Slotted lever quick mechanism used in shaping machine.
- Q.18. Explain with sketch Whitworth’s quick return Mechanism?
- Q.19. Draw Basic double slider crank chain and explain how different inversions are obtained from it?
- Q.20. Explain with sketch Scotch Yoke Mechanism?
- Q.21. Explain with sketch Oldham’s Coupling
- Q.22. Explain with sketch Elliptical Trammel Mechanism?